Wooly’s nightmare

     Wooly, the daughter of Kermit and Belly is married to Ruby. They have got four kids. They live in a big house. There are three bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a living room in the house.

One night Wooly heard a noise and she woke up.

– What was that? she thought.

She went to the living room, to see what had happened. She started to scream.
– Aaaaaaaaah!
Ruby got up.
– Ruby, I saw a huge cat in the living room! shouted Wooly running into their bedroom.
– What are you talking about? asked Ruby surprised and sleepy.
– Hurry up, there is no time, let’s save the kids! replied Wooly.
They ran upstairs to the children’s bedrooms. It was a hot night so the kids were sleeping on the terrace.

– Kids, we are in a terrible danger! We have to run away!
The children woke up and started to cry.
– But why?! they shouted. What is wrong?
– Downstairs there is an enormous cat!
– How is that possible? asked the kids.
– There is no time to talk, said Ruby.
– But how can we run away if the cat is downstairs?! asked Wooly terrified.
– We must jump down from the terrace! ordered Ruby.
– But I am scared! opposed one of the kids.
– I can’t do it, said the other one.
Ruby decided to take the children to his and Wooly’s back. They jumped down with them.

– Aaaaaaaaah! shouted the kids.

They landed on the soft ground. Fortunately it had rained the day  before and the soil was very soft. Thanks to it nothing happened to them.

They started to ran away when cat’s paw stretched out and almost caught Rubby’s hoof. Wooly was so scared that she fainted.

When she opened her eyes she was in her bed and Ruby was next to her.
– What has happened, where is the cat? she asked.
– What cat? asked Ruby.
– That big cat in our living room!

– Honey, you had a scary dream, said Ruby. There has been no cat here.

Wooly was relieved.

– I fainted in this dream. It was so scary. I will tell you all the story…

This story was made up by my student Maja to the photos taken by me.
Thank you Maja!

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