Angry Bird’s egg

One summer day Hyacinth and Flora go for a walk. Far in the grass something shines.

– What is this? says Flora.
– It may be a dragon’s egg. It looks lost, says Hyacinth.
– Let’s take it home, says Flora.

The egg is very heavy.
– How can we take it home? asks Hyacinth.
– Let’s ask Nicodem, the bat. He’s a friend of our children.
They call Nicodem. He comes. But the egg is too heavy for him. He calls his friends for help. The bats take the egg to Hyacinth and Flora’s house.

The pigs thank the bats. They put the egg into a basket.

The next day Sammy visits their children. He sees the egg in the basket. His eyes widen. He is excited. He thinks it is Angry Birds’ egg. He wants this egg for his father Harry.

– Is it a dragon’s egg? he asks.
– We don’t know, says Flora.
– I think it is, lies Sammy. I can take care of it.
– No, we can do it, disagrees Flora. She feels suspicious.
Sammy is disappointed.
Another day Hyacinth and Flora go for a walk again and meet Bomb – the Angry Bird. He is their friend.
– I have lost one egg. I am devastated, he cries. Have you seen it?
– Yesterday we found an egg, says Flora.
– Really?
– Follow me, says Flora, we can show it to you.

They go to Flora and Hyacinth’s house. Flora enters the room with the basket. But… What is it? The basket is empty! Seeing this, Bomb explodes.
– Oh no, my egg! he shouts.
He runs out and starts to destroy the bushes in the garden.
– Stop it! cries Flora. What are you doing? Are you crazy?
– I hate you and Hyacinth, shouts Bomb and runs away.
Flora gets a heart attack. Hyacinth takes her to the hospital. When Flora wakes up Hyacinth is with her. 

– How rude! she says.
– Bomb is like that. He explodes when he is angry.
– I don’t want to be his friend anymore.
– Ok, Darling.
– And I will never take home any egg again.
– Yes, it is better not to do it.

Some time before Sammy steals the egg from their house.

He rolls it in the garden and suddenly the egg breaks. Sammy is scared.

Suddenly he sees a baby dragon hatching. What a surprise! So it wasn’t Angry Birds’ egg. But where is Bomb’s egg then? He leaves the baby dragon and escapes home.

When he learns about Flora’s disease he feels guilty. He goes to the hospital and says about everything. Flora is angry, but relieved. Sammy promises to tidy the garden to compensate what he has done. Flora agrees. But what about the baby dragon and Bomb’s egg?

To be continued…

This story was made up by my student Antek and written with my help. Thank you Antek!

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