Robot dad

One day two new children appeard at school. Their names were Beta and Gamma.– They are strange, whispered Fitty do Jingle.– Why?– Look at their eyes. And these weird names. During the break Beta and Gamma stayed aside. The other...


Gruntland is a serial novel. If you read the episodes in order of appearance, you can follow the whole story. Use the links below. THE FOUNDERS OF THE VILLAGE Hippie, Elvis, Belly, Kermit, Cushy, Pillowy YEAR ONE  / Setting up...

Women’s Day

It is Women’s Day in Pigworld. Sylvencia is organizing another women’s circle. Belly, Pillowy, Nelly, Arnica, Flora, Rosie, Hippie nad Cheeksy come. There are new pigs in the circle as some children grew up and they can join the meeting....